Category:Server functions
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Articles in this category are related to server functions.
Pages in category "Server functions"
The following 200 pages are in this category, out of 1,302 total.
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- HandlingGetABS
- HandlingGetBrakeBias
- HandlingGetBrakeDeceleration
- HandlingGetCenterOfMass
- HandlingGetCollisionDamageMultiplier
- HandlingGetDragCoefficiency
- HandlingGetDriveType
- HandlingGetEngineAcceleration
- HandlingGetEngineInertia
- HandlingGetEngineType
- HandlingGetMass
- HandlingGetMaxVelocity
- HandlingGetPercentSubmerged
- HandlingGetSteeringLock
- HandlingGetSuspensionAntidiveMultiplier
- HandlingGetSuspensionDamping
- HandlingGetSuspensionForceLevel
- HandlingGetSuspensionFrontRearBias
- HandlingGetSuspensionHighSpeedDamping
- HandlingGetSuspensionLowerLimit
- HandlingGetSuspensionUpperLimit
- HandlingGetTractionBias
- HandlingGetTractionLoss
- HandlingGetTractionMultiplier
- HandlingGetTurnMass
- HandlingSetABS
- HandlingSetBrakeBias
- HandlingSetBrakeDeceleration
- HandlingSetCollisionDamageMultiplier
- HandlingSetDragCoefficiency
- HandlingSetDriveType
- HandlingSetEngineInertia
- HandlingSetEngineType
- HandlingSetMass
- HandlingSetMaxVelocity
- HandlingSetNumberOfGears
- HandlingSetPercentSubmerged
- HandlingSetSteeringLock
- HandlingSetSuspensionAntidiveMultiplier
- HandlingSetSuspensionDamping
- HandlingSetSuspensionForceLevel
- HandlingSetSuspensionFrontRearBias
- HandlingSetSuspensionHighSpeedDamping
- HandlingSetSuspensionLowerLimit
- HandlingSetSuspensionUpperLimit
- HandlingSetTractionBias
- HandlingSetTractionMultiplier
- HandlingSetTurnMass
- HasElementData
- HasElementDataSubscriber
- Hash
- HasObjectPermissionTo
- HR/banPlayer
- HU/addCommandHandler
- HU/addPedClothes
- HU/CreateBlip
- HU/createBlip
- HU/createBlipAttachedTo
- HU/createColCircle
- HU/createColCuboid
- HU/createColPolygon
- HU/createColRectangle
- HU/createColSphere
- HU/createColTube
- HU/createPed
- HU/createWater
- HU/fadeCamera
- HU/getBlipColor
- HU/getBlipIcon
- HU/getBlipOrdering
- HU/getBlipSize
- HU/getBlipVisibleDistance
- HU/getBodyPartName
- HU/getCameraInterior
- HU/getCameraMatrix
- HU/getCameraTarget
- HU/getClothesByTypeIndex
- HU/getClothesTypeName
- HU/getColShapeType
- HU/getElementColShape
- HU/getElementsWithinColShape
- HU/getPedAmmoInClip
- HU/getPedArmor
- HU/getPedClothes
- HU/getPedContactElement
- HU/getPedFightingStyle
- HU/getPedGravity
- HU/getPedOccupiedVehicle
- HU/getPlayerAccount
- HU/getRootElement
- HU/getTypeIndexFromClothes
- HU/isCursorShowing
- HU/isElementWithinColShape
- HU/isInsideColShape
- HU/playSoundFrontEnd
- HU/removePedClothes
- HU/setBlipColor
- HU/setBlipIcon
- HU/setBlipOrdering
- HU/setBlipSize
- HU/setBlipVisibleDistance
- HU/setCameraInterior
- HU/setCameraMatrix
- HU/setCameraTarget
- HU/setElementDimension
- HU/setElementPosition
- HU/setPedAnimation
- HU/showCursor
- Inspect
- InterpolateBetween
- Iprint
- IsBan
- IsControlEnabled
- IsCursorShowing
- IsElement
- IsElementAttached
- IsElementCallPropagationEnabled
- IsElementDoubleSided
- IsElementFrozen
- IsElementInWater
- IsElementLowLOD
- IsElementOnFire
- IsElementVisibleTo
- IsElementWithinColShape
- IsElementWithinMarker
- IsGarageOpen
- IsGlitchEnabled
- IsGuestAccount
- IsInsideColShape
- IsInsideRadarArea
- IsKeyBound
- IsObjectBreakable
- IsObjectInACLGroup
- IsObjectMoving
- IsObjectRespawnable
- IsOOPEnabled
- IsPedChoking
- IsPedDead
- IsPedDoingGangDriveby
- IsPedDucked
- IsPedFrozen
- IsPedHeadless
- IsPedInVehicle
- IsPedInWater
- IsPedOnFire
- IsPedOnGround
- IsPedReloadingWeapon
- IsPedWearingJetpack
- IsPickupSpawned
- IsPlayerChoking
- IsPlayerDead
- IsPlayerDucked
- IsPlayerInVehicle
- IsPlayerInWater
- IsPlayerMapForced
- IsPlayerMuted
- IsPlayerNametagShowing
- IsPlayerOnGround
- IsRadarAreaFlashing
- IsResourceArchived
- IsResourceProtected
- IsTimer
- IsTimerPaused
- IsTrainDerailable
- IsTrainDerailed
- IsTransferBoxVisible
- IsVehicleBlown
- IsVehicleDamageProof
- IsVehicleFrozen
- IsVehicleFuelTankExplodable
- IsVehicleLocked
- IsVehicleOnGround
- IsVehicleRespawnable
- IsVehicleTaxiLightOn
- IsVoiceEnabled
- IsWorldSpecialPropertyEnabled
- IT/createBlipAttachedTo