Category:Server functions
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Pages in category "Server functions"
The following 200 pages are in this category, out of 1,297 total.
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- GetFunctionsBoundToKey
- GetGameSpeed
- GetGameType
- GetGravity
- GetHeatHaze
- GetInteriorSoundsEnabled
- GetJetpackMaxHeight
- GetJetpackWeaponEnabled
- GetKeyBoundToFunction
- GetLatentEventHandles
- GetLatentEventStatus
- GetLoadedModules
- GetLowLODElement
- GetMapName
- GetMarkerColor
- GetMarkerCount
- GetMarkerIcon
- GetMarkerSize
- GetMarkerTarget
- GetMarkerTargetArrowProperties
- GetMarkerType
- GetMaxPlayers
- GetMinuteDuration
- GetModelHandling
- GetModuleInfo
- GetMoonSize
- GetNetworkStats
- GetNetworkUsageData
- GetObjectModel
- GetObjectRotation
- GetObjectScale
- GetOcclusionsEnabled
- GetOriginalHandling
- GetOriginalWeaponProperty
- GetPedAmmoInClip
- GetPedArmor
- GetPedClothes
- GetPedContactElement
- GetPedFightingStyle
- GetPedGravity
- GetPedOccupiedVehicle
- GetPedOccupiedVehicleSeat
- GetPedRotation
- GetPedSkin
- GetPedStat
- GetPedTarget
- GetPedTotalAmmo
- GetPedWalkingStyle
- GetPedWeapon
- GetPedWeaponSlot
- GetPerformanceStats
- GetPickupAmmo
- GetPickupAmount
- GetPickupRespawnInterval
- GetPickupType
- GetPickupWeapon
- GetPlayerAccount
- GetPlayerACInfo
- GetPlayerAmmoInClip
- GetPlayerAnnounceValue
- GetPlayerArmor
- GetPlayerBlurLevel
- GetPlayerClothes
- GetPlayerContactElement
- GetPlayerCount
- GetPlayerFightingStyle
- GetPlayerFromName
- GetPlayerFromNick
- GetPlayerGravity
- GetPlayerIdleTime
- GetPlayerIP
- GetPlayerMoney
- GetPlayerName
- GetPlayerNametagColor
- GetPlayerNametagText
- GetPlayerOccupiedVehicle
- GetPlayerOccupiedVehicleSeat
- GetPlayerPing
- GetPlayerRotation
- GetPlayerScriptDebugLevel
- GetPlayerSerial
- GetPlayersInTeam
- GetPlayerSkin
- GetPlayerStat
- GetPlayerTarget
- GetPlayerTeam
- GetPlayerTotalAmmo
- GetPlayerUserName
- GetPlayerVersion
- GetPlayerWantedLevel
- GetPlayerWeapon
- GetProcessMemoryStats
- GetRadarAreaColor
- GetRadarAreaSize
- GetRainLevel
- GetRandomPlayer
- GetRealTime
- GetRemoteRequestInfo
- GetRemoteRequests
- GetResourceACLRequests
- GetResourceConfig
- GetResourceDynamicElementRoot
- GetResourceExportedFunctions
- GetResourceFromName
- GetResourceInfo
- GetResourceLastStartTime
- GetResourceLoadFailureReason
- GetResourceLoadTime
- GetResourceMapRootElement
- GetResourceName
- GetResourceOrganizationalPath
- GetResourceRootElement
- GetResources
- GetResourceState
- GetRootElement
- GetRuleValue
- GetServerConfigSetting
- GetServerHttpPort
- GetServerName
- GetServerPassword
- GetServerPort
- GetSkyGradient
- GetSlotFromWeapon
- GetSunColor
- GetSunSize
- GetTeamColor
- GetTeamFriendlyFire
- GetTeamFromName
- GetTeamName
- GetThisResource
- GetTickCount
- GetTime
- GetTimerDetails
- GetTimers
- Gettok
- GetTrafficLightState
- GetTrainDirection
- GetTrainPosition
- GetTrainSpeed
- GetTrainTrack
- GetTypeIndexFromClothes
- GetUnbanTime
- GetUserdataType
- GetValidPedModels
- GetVehicleColor
- GetVehicleCompatibleUpgrades
- GetVehicleController
- GetVehicleDoorOpenRatio
- GetVehicleDoorState
- GetVehicleEngineState
- GetVehicleHandling
- GetVehicleHeadLightColor
- GetVehicleID
- GetVehicleIDFromName
- GetVehicleIdleRespawnDelay
- GetVehicleLandingGearDown
- GetVehicleLightState
- GetVehicleMaxPassengers
- GetVehicleModelFromName
- GetVehicleName
- GetVehicleNameFromID
- GetVehicleNameFromModel
- GetVehicleOccupant
- GetVehicleOccupants
- GetVehicleOverrideLights
- GetVehiclePaintjob
- GetVehiclePanelState
- GetVehiclePlateText
- GetVehicleRespawnDelay
- GetVehicleRespawnPosition
- GetVehicleRespawnRotation
- GetVehicleRotation
- GetVehicleSirenParams
- GetVehicleSirens
- GetVehicleSirensOn
- GetVehiclesOfType
- GetVehicleTowedByVehicle
- GetVehicleTowingVehicle
- GetVehicleTurnVelocity
- GetVehicleTurretPosition
- GetVehicleType
- GetVehicleUpgradeOnSlot
- GetVehicleUpgrades
- GetVehicleUpgradeSlotName
- GetVehicleVariant
- GetVehicleWheelStates
- GetVersion
- GetWaterColor
- GetWaterVertexPosition
- GetWaveHeight
- GetWeaponIDFromName
- GetWeaponNameFromID
- GetWeaponProperty
- GetWeather
- GetWindVelocity
- GetZoneName
- GivePedJetPack
- GivePlayerJetPack
- GivePlayerMoney
- GiveWeapon