Category:Client functions
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Pages in category "Client functions"
The following 200 pages are in this category, out of 2,752 total.
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- FileCreate
- FileDelete
- FileExists
- FileFlush
- FileGetContents
- FileGetPath
- FileGetPos
- FileGetSize
- FileIsEOF
- FileOpen
- FileRead
- FileRename
- FileSetPos
- FileWrite
- FireWeapon
- FixVehicle
- FocusBrowser
- ForcePlayerMap
- FR/GuiSetVisible
- FromJSON
- FxAddBlood
- FxAddBulletImpact
- FxAddBulletSplash
- FxAddDebris
- FxAddFootSplash
- FxAddGlass
- FxAddGunshot
- FxAddPunchImpact
- FxAddSparks
- FxAddTankFire
- FxAddTyreBurst
- FxAddWaterHydrant
- FxAddWaterSplash
- FxAddWood
- FxCreateParticle
- Resource:Gang Manager/createGang
- Resource:Gang Manager/deleteGang
- Resource:Gang Manager/getPlayerGang
- Resource:Gang Manager/getPlayerLevel
- Resource:Gang Manager/isPlayerLeader
- Resource:Gang Manager/leaveGang
- Resource:Gang Manager/outputGangChat
- Resource:Gang Manager/setPlayerGang
- Resource:Gang Manager/setPlayerLevel
- GenerateKeyPair
- GetAircraftMaxHeight
- GetAircraftMaxVelocity
- GetAllElementData
- GetAnalogControlState
- GetAttachedElements
- GetBirdsEnabled
- GetBlipColor
- GetBlipIcon
- GetBlipOrdering
- GetBlipSize
- GetBlipVisibleDistance
- GetBodyPartName
- GetBoundKeys
- GetBrowserProperty
- GetBrowserSettings
- GetBrowserSource
- GetBrowserTitle
- GetBrowserURL
- GetBrowserVolume
- GetCamera
- GetCameraClip
- GetCameraDrunkLevel
- GetCameraFieldOfView
- GetCameraFixedModeTarget
- GetCameraGoggleEffect
- GetCameraInterior
- GetCameraMatrix
- GetCameraPosition
- GetCameraRotation
- GetCameraShakeLevel
- GetCameraTarget
- GetCameraViewMode
- GetChatAlpha
- GetChatboxCharacterLimit
- GetChatboxLayout
- GetClothesByTypeIndex
- GetClothesTypeName
- GetCloudsEnabled
- GetColorFilter
- GetColorFromString
- GetColPolygonHeight
- GetColPolygonPointPosition
- GetColPolygonPoints
- GetColShapeRadius
- GetColShapeSize
- GetColShapeType
- GetCommandHandlers
- GetCommandsBoundToKey
- GetControlState
- GetCoronaReflectionsEnabled
- GetCursorAlpha
- GetCursorPosition
- GetDevelopmentMode
- GetDiscordRichPresenceUserID
- GetDistanceBetweenPoints2D
- GetDistanceBetweenPoints3D
- GetEasingValue
- GetEffectDensity
- GetEffectSpeed
- GetElementAlpha
- GetElementAngularVelocity
- GetElementAttachedOffsets
- GetElementAttachedTo
- GetElementBoneMatrix
- GetElementBonePosition
- GetElementBoneQuaternion
- GetElementBoneRotation
- GetElementBoundingBox
- GetElementByID
- GetElementByIndex
- GetElementChild
- GetElementChildren
- GetElementChildrenCount
- GetElementCollisionsEnabled
- GetElementColShape
- GetElementData
- GetElementDimension
- GetElementDistanceFromCentreOfMassToBaseOfModel
- GetElementHealth
- GetElementID
- GetElementInterior
- GetElementLighting
- GetElementMatrix
- GetElementModel
- GetElementParent
- GetElementPosition
- GetElementRadius
- GetElementRotation
- GetElementsByType
- GetElementsWithinColShape
- GetElementsWithinRange
- GetElementType
- GetElementVelocity
- GetEventHandlers
- GetFarClipDistance
- GetFogDistance
- GetFPSLimit
- GetFunctionsBoundToKey
- GetGameSpeed
- GetGarageBoundingBox
- GetGaragePosition
- GetGarageSize
- GetGravity
- GetGroundPosition
- GetHeatHaze
- GetHeliBladeCollisionsEnabled
- GetHelicopterRotorSpeed
- GetInteriorFurnitureEnabled
- GetInteriorSoundsEnabled
- GetJetpackMaxHeight
- GetKeyboardLayout
- GetKeyBoundToCommand
- GetKeyBoundToFunction
- GetKeyState
- GetLatentEventHandles
- GetLatentEventStatus
- GetLightColor
- GetLightDirection
- GetLightRadius
- GetLightType
- GetLocalization
- GetLocalPlayer
- GetLowLODElement
- GetMarkerColor
- GetMarkerCount
- GetMarkerIcon
- GetMarkerSize
- GetMarkerTarget
- GetMarkerTargetArrowProperties
- GetMarkerType
- GetMinuteDuration
- GetMoonSize
- GetMTAVersion
- GetNearClipDistance
- GetNetworkStats
- GetNetworkUsageData
- GetObjectMass
- GetObjectModel
- GetObjectProperty
- GetObjectRotation
- GetObjectScale
- GetOcclusionsEnabled
- GetOriginalHandling
- GetOriginalWeaponProperty
- GetPedAmmoInClip
- GetPedAnalogControlState
- GetPedAnimation
- GetPedAnimationData
- GetPedAnimationLength
- GetPedAnimationProgress
- GetPedAnimationSpeed
- GetPedArmor
- GetPedBonePosition
- GetPedCameraRotation
- GetPedClothes