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==Vehicle functions==
==Vehicle functions==
{{Vehicle functions}}
[[vehicle]] [[createVehicle]] ( [[int]] id, [[float]] x, [[float]] y, [[float]] z, [ [[float]] rx, [[float]] ry, [[float]] rz ] )

==Weapon functions==
[[bool]] [[destroyAllVehicles]] ()
[[string]] [[getWeaponNameFromID]] ( [[int]] id )
[[int]] [[int]] [[int]] [[int]] [[getVehicleColor]] ( [[vehicle]] vehicle )
[[float]] [[getVehicleHealth]] ( [[vehicle]] vehicle )
[[int]] [[getVehicleID]] ( [[vehicle]] vehicle )
[[int]] [[getVehicleIDFromName]] ( [[string]] name )
[[int]] [[getVehicleIndex]] ( [[vehicle]] vehicle )
[[float]] [[float]] [[float]] [[getVehicleMoveSpeed]] ( [[string]] vehicle )
[[string]] [[getVehicleName]] ( [[string]] vehicle )
[[string]] [[getVehicleNameFromID]] ( [[int]] id )
[[player]] [[getVehicleOccupant]] ( [[vehicle]] vehicle, [ [[int]] seat=0 ] )
[[float]] [[float]] [[float]] [[getVehicleRotation]] ( [[vehicle]] vehicle )
[[float]] [[float]] [[float]] [[getVehicleTurnSpeed]] ( [[vehicle]] vehicle )
[[float]] [[float]] [[getVehicleTurretPosition]] ( [[vehicle]] vehicle )
[[int]] [[getVehicleMaxPassengers]] ( [[vehicle]] vehicle )
[[bool]] [[isVehicleLocked]] ( [[vehicle]] vehicle )
[[bool]] [[fixVehicle]] ( [[element]] vehicle )
[[bool]] [[blowVehicle]] ( [[element]] vehicle, [ [[bool]] explode=true ] )
[[bool]] [[setVehicleRotation]] ( [[element]] vehicle, [[float]] rx, [[float]] ry, [[float]] rz )
[[bool]] [[setVehicleMoveSpeed]] ( [[element]] vehicle, [[float]] x, [[float]] y, [[float]] z )
[[bool]] [[setVehicleTurnSpeed]] ( [[element]] vehicle, [[float]] rx, [[float]] ry, [[float]] rz )

[[int]] [[getWeaponIDFromName]] ( [[string]] name )
[[bool]] [[setVehicleHealth]] ( [[element]] vehicle, [[float]] health )

[[bool]] [[giveWeapon]] ( [[element]] player, [[int]] [[weapon]], [ [[int]] ammo=30 ] )
[[bool]] [[setVehicleColor]] ( [[element]] vehicle, [[int]] color1, [[int]] color2, [[int]] color3, [[int]] color4 )

[[bool]] [[takeWeapon]] ( [[element]] player, [[int]] [[weapon]] )
[[bool]] [[setVehicleLocked]] ( [[element]] vehicle, [[bool]] locked )

[[bool]] [[takeAllWeapons]] ( [[element]] player )
==Weapon functions==
{{Weapon functions}}

==World functions==
==World functions==

Revision as of 23:05, 20 May 2006

This page lists all the scripting functions that have been implemented and are available as native functions from the Deathmatch mod. To request a function or event, use Requested Functions and Events

Please note that the scripting functions can now be extended by loading in dynamic modules that provide new functionality, such as MySQL database access. These scripting functions are non-native and require the module to be loaded in order to work.

Head over to Module functions for a list of non-native functions and modules that are available.

Incomplete/Malfunctioning Functions

Incomplete Function List:

setPlayerRotation - Possibly not functional

Blip functions

Element functions

Entity functions

float float float getEntityPosition ( entity entity )

bool setEntityPosition ( element entity, float x, float y, float z )

bool addEntityVisibleTo ( element entity, element visibleTo )

bool removeEntityVisibleTo ( element entity, element visibleTo )

bool clearEntityVisibleTo ( element entity )

Event functions

bool addEvent ( string name, string arguments )

bool addEventHandler ( string name, element element, string handler )

bool triggerEvent ( string name, element element, [ var argument1, var argument2, ... ] )

Map functions

string getLoadedMapName ()

xmlnode getLoadedMapXMLRoot ()

bool startMap ( string name )

bool endMap ()

element loadMapData ( xmlnode node, element parent )

string getMapOption ( string name )

Marker functions

A marker is a 3D model in the world that can highlight a particular point or area, often used to instruct players where to go to perform actions such as entering buildings.

element createMarker ( float x, float y, float z, [ string type, float size, int r, int g, int b, int a, visibleTo=getRootElement () ] )

bool destroyAllMarkers ()

int getMarkerCount ()

string getMarkerType ( element marker )

float getMarkerSize ( element marker )

int int int int getMarkerColor ( element marker )

float float float getMarkerTarget ( element marker )

bool setMarkerType ( element marker, string type )

bool setMarkerSize ( element marker, float size )

bool setMarkerColor ( element marker, int r, int g, int b, int a )

bool setMarkerTarget ( element marker, bool false )

bool setMarkerTarget ( element marker, float x, float y, float z )

Object functions

An object is a model in the world. These have collision models and can be moved and rotated at will. Any existing GTA model can be used.

element createObject ( int id, float x, float y, float z, [ float rx, float ry, float rz] )

bool destroyAllObjects ()

int getObjectModel ( element object )

float float float getObjectRotation ( element object )

bool setObjectModel ( element object, int id )

bool setObjectRotation ( element object, float x, float y, float z )

bool moveObject ( element object, int time, float x, float y, float z, float rx, float ry, float rz )

Pickup functions

pickup createPickup ( float x, float y, float z, int type, int amount/weapon, [ int ammo ] )

bool destroyAllPickups ()

int getPickupType ( pickup pickup )

int getPickupWeapon ( pickup pickup )

int getPickupHealth ( pickup pickup )

int getPickupAmmo ( pickup pickup )

bool setPickupType ( element pickup, int type, int amount/weapon, [ int ammo ] )

Player functions

int getPlayerCount ()

int getPlayerCurrentWeaponAmmoInClip ( player player )

int getPlayerCurrentWeaponID ( player player )

player getPlayerFromNick ( string nick )

float getPlayerHealth ( player player )

float getPlayerArmor ( player player )

int getPlayerLevel ( player player )

int getPlayerMoney ( player player )

float float float getPlayerMoveSpeed ( player player )

string getPlayerName ( player player )

vehicle getPlayerOccupiedVehicle ( player player )

int getPlayerOccupiedVehicleSeat ( player player )

int getPlayerPing ( player player )

float getPlayerRotation ( player player )

int getPlayerSkin ( player player )

string getPlayerSourceIP ( player player )

player getRandomPlayer ()

bool isPlayerDead ( player player )

bool isPlayerDucked ( player player )

bool isPlayerMuted ( player player )

bool setPlayerRotation ( element player, float rotation ) ---------------Cannot get to work

bool setPlayerSkin ( element player, int id )

bool setPlayerHealth ( element player, float health )

bool setPlayerArmor ( element player, float armor )

bool setPlayerMoney ( element player, int money )

bool givePlayerMoney ( element player, int money )

bool takePlayerMoney ( element player, int money )

bool killPlayer ( element player )

bool warpPlayerintoVehicle ( player player, vehicle vehicle, [ int seat=0 ] )

bool removePlayerFromVehicle ( element player )

bool spawnPlayer ( player player, spawnpoint spawnpoint )

bool spawnPlayer ( player player, float x, float y, float z, float rotation, int skin )

Radar area functions

radararea createRadarArea ( float x, float y, float sizex, float sizey, int r, int g, int b, int a, [ visibleTo=getRootElement () ] )

bool destroyAllRadarAreas ()

float float getRadarAreaSize ( radararea radararea )

int int int int getRadarAreaColor ( radararea radararea )

bool isRadarAreaFlashing ( radararea radararea )

bool setRadarAreaSize ( element radararea, float x, float y )

bool setRadarAreaColor ( element radararea, int r, int g, int b, int a )

bool setRadarAreaFlashing ( element radararea, bool flash )

Scoreboard functions

bool addScoreboardColumn ( string id, string name, float width )

bool removeScoreboardColumn ( string id )

Server functions

int getMaxPlayers ()

bool outputChatBox ( string text, element player, [ int r, int g, int b ] )

bool outputConsole ( string text, element player )

bool outputDebugString ( string text, [ int level=3 ] )

bool outputServerLog ( string text )

bool addCommandHandler ( string key, string handler )

bool removeCommandHandler ( string key )

Spawnpoint functions

float getspawnpointRotation ( spawnpoint spawn )

int getspawnpointSkin ( spawnpoint spawn )

bool setspawnpointRotation ( element spawn, float rotation )

bool setspawnpointSkin ( element spawn, int skin )

Text functions

textdisplay textCreateDisplay ()

void textDestroyDisplay ( textdisplay textdisplay )

textitem textCreateTextItem ( [ string text, float x, float y, int priority, int r, int g, int b, int a, float scale ] )

void textDestroyTextItem ( textitem textitem )

void textDisplayAddText ( textdisplay textdisplay, textitem textitem )

void textDisplayAddObserver ( textdisplay textdisplay, player player )

void textItemSetText ( textitem textitem, string text )

string textItemGetText ( textitem textitem )

void] textItemSetScale ( textitem textitem, float scale )

float textItemGetScale ( textitem textitem )

void textItemSetPosition ( textitem textitem, float x, float y )

float float textItemGetPosition ( textitem textitem )

void textItemSetColor ( textitem textitem, int r, int g, int b, int a )

int int int int textItemGetColor ( textitem textitem )

void textItemSetPriority ( textitem textitem, int priority )

int textItemGetPriority ( textitem textitem )

Utility functions

float getDistanceBetweenPoints2D ( float x1, float y1, float x2, float y2 )

float getDistanceBetweenPoints3D ( float x1, float y1, float z1, float x2, float y2, float z2 )

int randInt ( int lowerbound, int upperbound )

float randFloat ()

int getTickCount ()

string gettok ( string text, int index, int separator )

bool setTimer ( string function, int time, [ var argument1, var argument2, ... ] )

Vehicle functions

vehicle createVehicle ( int id, float x, float y, float z, [ float rx, float ry, float rz ] )

bool destroyAllVehicles ()

int int int int getVehicleColor ( vehicle vehicle )

float getVehicleHealth ( vehicle vehicle )

int getVehicleID ( vehicle vehicle )

int getVehicleIDFromName ( string name )

int getVehicleIndex ( vehicle vehicle )

float float float getVehicleMoveSpeed ( string vehicle )

string getVehicleName ( string vehicle )

string getVehicleNameFromID ( int id )

player getVehicleOccupant ( vehicle vehicle, [ int seat=0 ] )

float float float getVehicleRotation ( vehicle vehicle )

float float float getVehicleTurnSpeed ( vehicle vehicle )

float float getVehicleTurretPosition ( vehicle vehicle )

int getVehicleMaxPassengers ( vehicle vehicle )

bool isVehicleLocked ( vehicle vehicle )

bool fixVehicle ( element vehicle )

bool blowVehicle ( element vehicle, [ bool explode=true ] )

bool setVehicleRotation ( element vehicle, float rx, float ry, float rz )

bool setVehicleMoveSpeed ( element vehicle, float x, float y, float z )

bool setVehicleTurnSpeed ( element vehicle, float rx, float ry, float rz )

bool setVehicleHealth ( element vehicle, float health )

bool setVehicleColor ( element vehicle, int color1, int color2, int color3, int color4 )

bool setVehicleLocked ( element vehicle, bool locked )

Weapon functions

World functions

int int getTime ()

int getWeather ()

bool setTime ( int hour, int min )

bool setWeather ( int id )

bool setWeatherBlended ( int id )

XML functions

xmlnode xmlFindSubNode ( xmlnode parent, string subnode, int index )

string xmlNodeGetValue ( xmlnode xmlnode )

bool xmlNodeSetValue ( xmlnode xmlnode, var value )

string xmlNodeGetAttribute ( xmlnode xmlnode, string name )

bool xmlNodeSetAttribute ( xmlnode xmlnode, string name, var value )

xmlnode xmlLoadFile ( string filename )

bool xmlUnloadFile ( xmlnode xmlnode )