Category:Client functions
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Articles in this category are related to client functions.
Pages in category "Client functions"
The following 200 pages are in this category, out of 2,735 total.
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- RO/isBrowserLoading
- RO/loadBrowserURL
- RO/navigateBrowserBack
- RO/navigateBrowserForward
- RO/playSound
- RO/reloadBrowserPage
- RO/requestBrowserDomains
- RO/resizeBrowser
- RO/setBlipColor
- RO/setBlipIcon
- RO/setBlipOrdering
- RO/setBlipSize
- RO/setBlipVisibleDistance
- RO/setBrowserAjaxHandler
- RO/setBrowserProperty
- RO/setBrowserRenderingPaused
- RO/setBrowserVolume
- RO/setCameraClip
- RO/setCameraFieldOfView
- RO/setCameraGoggleEffect
- RO/setCameraInterior
- RO/setCameraMatrix
- RO/setCameraShakeLevel
- RO/setCameraTarget
- RO/setCameraViewMode
- RO/SetRadioChannel
- RO/setSoundEffectEnabled
- RO/SetSoundPaused
- RO/setSoundPosition
- RO/setSoundProperties
- RO/setSoundSpeed
- RO/setSoundVolume
- RO/stopSound
- RO/toggleBrowserDevTools
- RotateCameraRight
- RotateCameraUp
- Talk:RU/CreateFire
- RU/createWeapon
- RU/getHelicopterRotorSpeed
- RU/GetPedBonePosition
- RU/GivePlayerMoney
- RU/guiCreateLabel
- RU/guiCreateWindow
- SetAircraftMaxHeight
- SetAircraftMaxVelocity
- SetAmbientSoundEnabled
- SetAnalogControlState
- SetBirdsEnabled
- SetBlipColor
- SetBlipIcon
- SetBlipOrdering
- SetBlipSize
- SetBlipVisibleDistance
- SetBrowserAjaxHandler
- SetBrowserProperty
- SetBrowserRenderingPaused
- SetBrowserVolume
- SetCameraClip
- SetCameraDrunkLevel
- SetCameraFieldOfView
- SetCameraGoggleEffect
- SetCameraInterior
- SetCameraLookAt
- SetCameraMatrix
- SetCameraPosition
- SetCameraShakeLevel
- SetCameraTarget
- SetCameraViewMode
- SetChatAlpha
- SetChatboxCharacterLimit
- SetClipboard
- SetCloudsEnabled
- SetColorFilter
- SetColPolygonHeight
- SetColPolygonPointPosition
- SetColShapeRadius
- SetColShapeSize
- SetControlState
- SetCoronaReflectionEnabled
- SetCoronaReflectionsEnabled
- SetCursorAlpha
- SetCursorPosition
- SetDebugViewActive
- SetDevelopmentMode
- SetDiscordApplicationID
- SetDiscordRichPresenceAsset
- SetDiscordRichPresenceButton
- SetDiscordRichPresenceDetails
- SetDiscordRichPresenceEndTime
- SetDiscordRichPresencePartySize
- SetDiscordRichPresenceSmallAsset
- SetDiscordRichPresenceStartTime
- SetDiscordRichPresenceState
- SetEffectDensity
- SetEffectSpeed
- SetElementAlpha
- SetElementAngularVelocity
- SetElementAttachedOffsets
- SetElementBoneMatrix
- SetElementBonePosition
- SetElementBoneQuaternion
- SetElementBoneRotation
- SetElementCallPropagationEnabled
- SetElementCollidableWith
- SetElementCollisionsEnabled
- SetElementData
- SetElementDimension
- SetElementDoubleSided
- SetElementFrozen
- SetElementHealth
- SetElementID
- SetElementInterior
- SetElementMatrix
- SetElementModel
- SetElementParent
- SetElementPosition
- SetElementRotation
- SetElementStreamable
- SetElementVelocity
- SetFarClipDistance
- SetFogDistance
- SetFPSLimit
- SetGameSpeed
- SetGarageOpen
- SetGrainLevel
- SetGrainMultiplier
- SetGravity
- SetHeatHaze
- SetHeliBladeCollisionsEnabled
- SetHelicopterRotorSpeed
- SetInteriorFurnitureEnabled
- SetInteriorSoundsEnabled
- SetJetpackMaxHeight
- SetLightColor
- SetLightDirection
- SetLightRadius
- SetLowLODElement
- SetMarkerColor
- SetMarkerIcon
- SetMarkerSize
- SetMarkerTarget
- SetMarkerTargetArrowProperties
- SetMarkerType
- SetMinuteDuration
- SetMoonSize
- SetNearClipDistance
- SetObjectBreakable
- SetObjectMass
- SetObjectProperty
- SetObjectRotation
- SetObjectScale
- SetObjectStatic
- SetOcclusionsEnabled
- SetPedAimTarget
- SetPedAnalogControlState
- SetPedAnimation
- SetPedAnimationProgress
- SetPedAnimationSpeed
- SetPedArmor
- SetPedAudioType
- SetPedBleeding
- SetPedCameraRotation
- SetPedCanBeKnockedOffBike
- SetPedControlState
- SetPedDoingGangDriveby
- SetPedEnterVehicle
- SetPedExitVehicle
- SetPedFightingStyle
- SetPedFootBloodEnabled
- SetPedFrozen
- SetPedHeadless
- SetPedLookAt
- SetPedOnFire
- SetPedOxygenLevel
- SetPedRotation
- SetPedSkin
- SetPedsLODDistance
- SetPedStat
- SetPedTargetingMarkerEnabled
- SetPedVoice
- SetPedWalkingStyle
- SetPedWeaponSlot
- SetPickupType
- SetPlayerBlurLevel
- SetPlayerCanBeKnockedOffBike
- SetPlayerHealth
- SetPlayerHudComponentVisible
- SetPlayerMoney
- SetPlayerNametagColor
- SetPlayerNametagShowing
- SetPlayerNametagText
- SetPlayerRotation
- SetPlayerSkin
- SetPlayerWeaponSlot
- SetProjectileCounter
- SetRadarAreaColor
- SetRadarAreaFlashing
- SetRadarAreaSize
- SetRadioChannel
- SetRainLevel